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DOI: 10.33226/1231-2037.2021.11.1
JEL: F20, F23, R4

The basic premises of logistification in international business

The aim of this article is to show the relationship between logistification of the world and the basic premises of this phenomenon, such as the need to recognise logistics as a new management science, a redefinition of international flow of the factors of production, or the use of information asymmetry measuring methods in international business. The theory part, featuring a review of the latest literature on the subject, emphasizes not only the need but also a necessity to develop logistics as a new branch of the management science. A special role is attributed to the impact of logistification on the interdisciplinary character of international business. Further, the article shows a pur les flux accomplishment of logistification through the flow of factors of production. Rationalisation of this process is expressed by the "flying geese formation" model, an exemplification of international flow of technical knowledge, both representational (knowing-that) and embodied (knowing-how). Finally, a new logistic model of information asymmetry (LMAI) is developed, providing a theoretical measure of the impact of logistics on reducing the effects of information asymmetry. The theoretical considerations are supplemented with an original numerical illustration of potential benefits derived by selected Polish firms from the measuring of information asymmetry levels. For this purpose the author used the results of empirical studies conducted in the period 2010–2018, from which firms representing manufacturers, distributors and service providers from nine industries were selected on a random basis. The findings of this preliminary study enabled a general estimation of the information asymmetry levels in key industries of the Polish economy.

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Keywords: : logistification; international business; flows of production factors; market information asymmetry



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