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The ecobalance analysis of the Retriev recycling technology of used car Lithium-Ion batteries

The article presents selected technologies for recycling Lithium-Ion batteries (LIBs), later referred to as Li-Ion, used as a power source in hybrid and electric cars. Utilization of the disused Li-Ion, in accordance with the environmental protection principles, allows to recover a number of materials and compounds, including lithium, cobalt and others. The paper also presents the results of an eco-balance analysis of the hydrometallurgical recycling process of the disused Lithium-Ion batteries. The analysis was carried out using the IMPACT2002+ method. The results are given in environmental points, whose positive value means environmental damage, the negative result is an environmental benefit. The results of the analysis are given for the categories specific for the IMPACT2002+ method. These are: human health, ecosystem quality, climate change and resource consumption. The aim of the article is to estimate the potential environmental burdens characteristic for the Lithium-Ion battery recycling technology using the requirements of the ecological Life Cycle Assessment.

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Keywords: recycling; Lithium-Ion batteries; hybrid and electric vehicles



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