The influence of the logistics concept on the logistics projects management performance
Firms are permanently looking for ways leading to the competitive advantage creation. The logistics concept plays a significant role in the process of building such an advantage. Logistics as a concept of flow management, forming business models, strategies and operational programs, uses a number of tools, including logistics projects. Within the management of logistics projects, the projects management performance, related to the flow of materials, goods and information in the project life cycle, plays a significant role.
The aim of the article is to identify the symptoms of the logistics concept impact on the logistics projects management performance.
The article is of a conceptual nature. The first part presents the essence and characteristics of the flow orientation, referring to the research on logistics determinants of business management. The second part of the article presents the basic characteristics of the logistics concept in the context of the relationships between logistics and the management system, the concept of management, management processes as well as management instruments. The third part of the article presents the nature and the most important characteristics of logistics projects, as well as the premises for undertaking research on these projects. The fourth part of the article presents the issues of the logistics projects management performance, as well as refers to the impact of the logistics concept on the logistics projects management performance.
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