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The level of maturity of ecologistics in the organization — identification and assessment. Results of the pilot studies

Management concepts that postulate reducing the negative impact of the economy on the natural environment, such as corporate social responsibility or sustainable development, are no longer just ideas that create the image of an organization, as they increasingly affect the level of its competitiveness, attractiveness for the recipient and value for stakeholders. Business entities that notice this trend are looking for new management solutions that will help to effectively implement the principles of green order and at the same time build the value of the organization. One of such solutions is ecologistics, discussed in this article. The aim of the article is to present the results of pilot studies on the advancement level of ecologistics in the companies of the Euroregion Nysa, in which the original model of ecologistics maturity in an enterprise was used. The pilot study was aimed at preparing research hypotheses for further research, as well as verifying the correctness of the theoretical model and the research tool in terms of content and form.

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Keywords: ecologistics; green logistics; model of ecologistics maturity in an enterprise; pilot studies




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