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Warehousing system security management in a service enterprise operating in the supply chain

This article contributes to the discussion on the security of warehousing systems in the management of a service enterprise operating in the supply chain. The focus of analysis and assessment is the measurement and monitoring of warehouse processes within a selected service enterprise, based on which proposals for enhancements are made. The following research problem was formulated in relation to the adopted topic: "Is the application of the indicator method justified for evaluating the security level of the warehousing systems in service enterprises operating in the supply chain?" Seeking an answer to this question involved a literature review to gather empirical data, which were then processed using an analysis of functional areas in the field of enterprise warehouse management, a synthesis of proposed procedures for evaluating the warehousing system of the selected enterprise using the indicator method and an indication of the benefits of its application, deductive reasoning, logistical measures and indicators, and algorithmic methods. Finally, through the method of inference, an answer to the research question was formulated: It is hypothesized that the application of the indicator method provides a comprehensive picture of the current state of operational security of the warehousing system within a service enterprise operating in the supply chain.

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Keywords: warehousing system security; service enterprise operating in the supply chain



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