Najlepsze ceny Specjalne oferty dla członków klubu książki PWE Najtańsza dostawa

Przegląd Ustawodawstwa Gospodarczego Nr 02/2010

ISSN: 0137-5490
Liczba stron: 32
Miejsce wydania: 2010 Warszawa
Oprawa: miękka
Cena artykułu
Wersja elektroniczna
Kup artykuł
Cena numeru czasopisma
Prenumerata roczna 2025 (12 kolejnych numerów)
960.00 zł
Najniższa cena z 30 dni: 672.00
960.00 zł
Najniższa cena z 30 dni: 672.00
Od numeru:
Prenumerata półroczna 2025 (6 kolejnych numerów)
480.00 zł
Najniższa cena z 30 dni: 378.00
480.00 zł
Najniższa cena z 30 dni: 378.00
Od numeru:
W numerze:

Alojzy Nowak
Kazimierz Ryć

Opóźnienie w przyjęciu euro - strata czy korzyść?
Delay in introducing EURO- losses or profits?Majority of experts agree that entering Poland to EURO currency union shall be profitable for our economy. Authors have made an analyze of economic conditions of 2009 year in relation to this process. Authors declare that economists and politicians have doubtful attitude to too early Poland access to EURO Zone. Due to the crisis they treat this attitude as a positive fact. Is staying with national currency enables to avoid the recession? What conditions should be fulfilled in order to introduce EURO in Poland?

Aleksander Werner
Tomasz Czech

Bezskuteczność zabezpieczenia i zapłaty długu niewymagalnego na podstawie art. 127 ust.3 Prawa upadłościowego i naprawczego (cześć II)
The Ineffectiveness of the Securing and Payment of Unmatured Debt in the Scope of Article 127 point 3 the Bankruptcy And Reorganisation Law (part II)The Bankruptcy And Reorganisation Law introduces to the Polish law special regulations to secure bankrupt's estate. Solutions are connected with institutions of ineffectiveness of the securing and payment of the unmatured debt. Bankruptcy and Reorganisation Law replaces the pre-war regulations on bankruptcy and arrangement law. The act governs the issues connected with the debtors' insolvency and its effects in a comprehensive manner, both on the domestic and international levels. Among others the bankruptcy and reorganisation regulation concerns debtor's activity before putting of petition in bankruptcy. In the period of 2 months before putting by of the declaration of bankruptcy Authors put into considerations the following problems: payment of the unmatured debt and the renewable loans in the preventive period in the scope of the article 127 point 3 The Bankruptcy And Reorganisation Law, security of the unmatured debt, establishing of the security and simultaneously with making commitment, subjective provisions, actio Pauliana.

Marcin Stoczkiewicz

Przedsiębiorstwo energetyczne jako przedsiębiorstwo świadczące usługi w ogólnym interesie gospodarczym a pomoc państw
The Energy Company as an undertaking which renders Services of General Economic Interest and State aid (part I)The subject matter of the first part of this article is the relationship between two standards of the Treaty of the Functioning of the European Union, specifically: Article 107 (1), which imposes a general prohibition of the award of State aid to undertakings, and Article 106 (2), which exempts, to a certain extent, undertakings which render "services of general economic interest" from the application of the rules on competition (including the rules on State aid), in the context of the possibility of using this exemption for energy companies. If it were determined in a specific case that services of general economic interest entrusted to a given energy company were subject to Article 106 (2) of the FEU Treaty, this would mean that to a certain extent an energy company could be exempted from the application of the rules on competition, in particular Articles 101, 102 and also 107 (1) of the FEU Treaty. This paper analyses the possibility of using Article 106 (2) of the FEU Treaty in the case of aid awarded to energy companies and the practice of EU institutions in this field.


Marek Krzysztof Kolasiński

Zagrożenia dla realizacji zasady jednolitości stosowania wspólnotowego prawa konkurencji - komentarz do decyzji Autorita Granate della Concorreneza e del Mercato(włoskiego organu antymonopolowego) w sprawie Merck

Commentary to the decision of Italian antitrust attorney - Autorita Granate della Concorreneza e del Mercato in the case Merck - the risk of divergences in the application of the European competition law
This paper contains the analysis of the decision of Italian antitrust attorney - Autorita Granate della Concorreneza e del Mercato - which was given under the European competition law. The subject of conflict in this case was the antitrust obligation to give a license for intellectual property rights concerning medicines. The author describes the legal and factual background of this case. He compares the decision of Autorita Granate della Concorreneza e del Mercato with the leading judgments of the European Court of Justice and concludes that there is a clear tension between them. This leads him to the observation that the decentralization of the enforcement of the European community competition law may cause divergences in the application of the European law.

Bartosz Dąbrowski
Maciej J. Nowak

Realizacja przedsięwzięcia jako przesłanka odroczenia administracyjnej kary pieniężnej w Prawie ochrony środowiska

Investment performance as a condition of postponement of administration fine in Environmental Protection Law
The aim of the article is the description of an institution of postponement of date of payment of the administration charge for usage of the environment and the administration fine. A case when a party does not perform the enterprise described in the administration decision in full, however by such limited performance eliminates the source which caused the fine decision, raises serious problems. One might describe such situation that the obligation imposed by the administration decision by environment protection authorities is not fulfilled. Taking above into consideration the authors try to define the institutions as 'on time performance' and 'investment performance'.


Tomasz Płachtej

Konwencja Paryska o Ochronie Własności Przemysłowej
Alicja Adamczak, Andrzej Szewc (red.), Konwencja Paryska o Ochronie Własności Przemysłowej. Komentarz, Warszawa 2008
Kurier FedEX 14 zł
Inpost Paczkomaty 14 zł
Kurier Inpost 14 zł
Odbiór osobisty 0 zł
Darmowa dostawa od 250 zł
Darmowa dostawa w Klubie Książki od 200 zł