Przegląd Ustawodawstwa Gospodarczego Nr 07/2009
ISSN: 0137-5490
Liczba stron: 32
Miejsce wydania: 2009 Warszawa
Oprawa: miękka
Miejsce wydania: 2009 Warszawa
Oprawa: miękka
W numerze:
Rafał Adamus
Postępowanie w przedmiocie zmiany układu upadłego - zagadnienia wybrane
The procedure of the modification in bankrupt's arrangements
This article has been devoted to the modification of the reorganization arrangement regulated by Bankruptcy and Rehabilitation Act of 28th February 2003 (arts. 298-301). And in-depth amendment of the rehabilitation law made by the Act of 6th March 2009 has been considered in the study. Under Bankruptcy and Rehabilitation Act if after the confirmation of the reorganization arrangement a change in economic conditions occurs having a substantail effect on the continued growth or diminishing of profits from the bankrupts' enterprise, the bankrut, as well as each of the creditors, may aply for a modification of the reorganization arrangement. What is important a modification of the reorganization arrangement other than that provided for in arts. 298-300 shall be inadmissible. The article deals with the most important theorethical and practical problems of the modification of the reorganization arrangements.
Tomasz Długosz
Pozycja ustrojowa organów regulacyjnych w świetle projektów legislacyjnych Komisji Europejskiej dla energetylki sieciowej
Structural position of regulatory authorities in the aspect of legislative projects of network electric energy prepared by the European Commission
Work is in progress on the new community law for the electric energy and natural gas sectors contained in the "third legislative package". Two new directives and three regulations which are meant to create a fully competitive internal market may be accepted by the middle of this year. Among the projects of great significance are the proposals to change the status of the national regulatory organs by extending the sphere and independence of their activity on the national level, with the simultaneous reinforcement of their supranational cooperation. It is these proposals, in the context of the current structural position of the Chairman of the Energy Regulatory Office, that are the subject of the article. The projects provoke the question as to whether the current structural position of this organ will continue to be adequate, and as to how changes in the national law should be introduced in Polish constitutional conditions.
Krzysztof Teszner
Problematyka funkcjonowania organów celnych w strukturze polskiej administracji podatkowej
Problems of custom authorities performance in Polish tax administration
The customs authorities have very important position in the system of public administration organs. The Chief of Customs Chamber and the Head of Customs Office are the authorities of governmental administration subordinated to the Minister of Finance, who perform the governmental administration tasks in the vovoidship. The main objective of the article is to recap the period of more than five years of the custom authorities participation in the tax administration as well as pointing out some controversial legal regulations regarding the scope of duties entrusted to these authorities and raising some considerations about future performance of the customs authorities.
Unia Europejska
Mariusz Fras
Regulacja prawna umowy ubezpieczenia w ustawodawstwie niemieckim
The Insurance Contract Law in Germany
The primary source of legal regulations with respect to German insurance law is the statute of the 30th of May 1908 on insurance agrement (Versicherungsvertragsgesetz), most recently broadly amended by the statute of the 23rd of November 2007, introducing major changes to the existing provisions. The matters on insurance law are also envisaged inter alia in the statute on insurance supervision, on compulsory insurance, as well as the German Civil Code - Burgerliches Gesetzbuch and the Commercial Code - Handelsgesetzbuch, which regulates Marine insurance. The aim of the article is to briefly introduce the general characteristics of German insurance law, with the special consideration of the methods of entering into the insurance agreement, withdrawal, rights and obligations of the parties, limitation of claims, basis for establishing the insurance performance and chosen categories of insurance.
Prawo własności intelektualnej
Postanowienie Sądu Apelacyjnego w W. z dnia 24 lutego 2009r.
Postanowienie Sądu Apelacyjnego w W. z dnia 15 kwietnia 2009r.
Jan Błeszyński
Komentarz do postanowienia
Rafał Adamus
Postępowanie w przedmiocie zmiany układu upadłego - zagadnienia wybrane
The procedure of the modification in bankrupt's arrangements
This article has been devoted to the modification of the reorganization arrangement regulated by Bankruptcy and Rehabilitation Act of 28th February 2003 (arts. 298-301). And in-depth amendment of the rehabilitation law made by the Act of 6th March 2009 has been considered in the study. Under Bankruptcy and Rehabilitation Act if after the confirmation of the reorganization arrangement a change in economic conditions occurs having a substantail effect on the continued growth or diminishing of profits from the bankrupts' enterprise, the bankrut, as well as each of the creditors, may aply for a modification of the reorganization arrangement. What is important a modification of the reorganization arrangement other than that provided for in arts. 298-300 shall be inadmissible. The article deals with the most important theorethical and practical problems of the modification of the reorganization arrangements.
Tomasz Długosz
Pozycja ustrojowa organów regulacyjnych w świetle projektów legislacyjnych Komisji Europejskiej dla energetylki sieciowej
Structural position of regulatory authorities in the aspect of legislative projects of network electric energy prepared by the European Commission
Work is in progress on the new community law for the electric energy and natural gas sectors contained in the "third legislative package". Two new directives and three regulations which are meant to create a fully competitive internal market may be accepted by the middle of this year. Among the projects of great significance are the proposals to change the status of the national regulatory organs by extending the sphere and independence of their activity on the national level, with the simultaneous reinforcement of their supranational cooperation. It is these proposals, in the context of the current structural position of the Chairman of the Energy Regulatory Office, that are the subject of the article. The projects provoke the question as to whether the current structural position of this organ will continue to be adequate, and as to how changes in the national law should be introduced in Polish constitutional conditions.
Krzysztof Teszner
Problematyka funkcjonowania organów celnych w strukturze polskiej administracji podatkowej
Problems of custom authorities performance in Polish tax administration
The customs authorities have very important position in the system of public administration organs. The Chief of Customs Chamber and the Head of Customs Office are the authorities of governmental administration subordinated to the Minister of Finance, who perform the governmental administration tasks in the vovoidship. The main objective of the article is to recap the period of more than five years of the custom authorities participation in the tax administration as well as pointing out some controversial legal regulations regarding the scope of duties entrusted to these authorities and raising some considerations about future performance of the customs authorities.
Unia Europejska
Mariusz Fras
Regulacja prawna umowy ubezpieczenia w ustawodawstwie niemieckim
The Insurance Contract Law in Germany
The primary source of legal regulations with respect to German insurance law is the statute of the 30th of May 1908 on insurance agrement (Versicherungsvertragsgesetz), most recently broadly amended by the statute of the 23rd of November 2007, introducing major changes to the existing provisions. The matters on insurance law are also envisaged inter alia in the statute on insurance supervision, on compulsory insurance, as well as the German Civil Code - Burgerliches Gesetzbuch and the Commercial Code - Handelsgesetzbuch, which regulates Marine insurance. The aim of the article is to briefly introduce the general characteristics of German insurance law, with the special consideration of the methods of entering into the insurance agreement, withdrawal, rights and obligations of the parties, limitation of claims, basis for establishing the insurance performance and chosen categories of insurance.
Prawo własności intelektualnej
Postanowienie Sądu Apelacyjnego w W. z dnia 24 lutego 2009r.
Postanowienie Sądu Apelacyjnego w W. z dnia 15 kwietnia 2009r.
Jan Błeszyński
Komentarz do postanowienia
Kurier FedEX | 14 zł |
Inpost Paczkomaty | 14 zł |
Kurier Inpost | 14 zł |
Odbiór osobisty | 0 zł |
Darmowa dostawa | od 250 zł |
Darmowa dostawa w Klubie Książki | od 200 zł |