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Overriding mandatory provisions and the conflict-of-laws rules in the Motor Insurance Directive 2009/103/EC — commentary on the judgment of the CJEU of 31.01.2019 in the case Agostinho da Silva Martins (C-149/18)

The commentary concerns a judgment of 31.01.2019 in the case of Agostinho da Silva Martins (C-149/18), in which the CJEU ruled on the relation of the provisions contained in the Motor Insurance Directive 2009/103/EC of 16.09.2009 to EU conflict-of- laws rules contained in the Rome II Regulation on the law applicable to non-contractual obligations. The judgment raised two problems relating to Article 28 of the Directive. This provision enables the Member States to adopt provisions that are more favourable to injured parties than the provisions needed to comply with the Directive. It has been examined whether the national legislation transposing the Directive providing, on the initiative of the national legislator, for more favourable limitation periods for actions seeking compensation for damage resulting from an accident can be regarded as mandatory provisions within the meaning of Rome II. The second issue raised was whether Article 28 of the Directive in question should be treated as a conflict of laws provision. The aim of the paper is to analyse the Court's decision. In the author's opinion these provisions cannot be regarded as mandatory ones, as this would mean that they should apply in every case, even if the applicable law would provide more favourable solutions than the provisions transposing the directive. Moreover, Article 28 of the Directive should not be considered a conflict-of-laws rule, as this would lead to the assumption that the provision in question would constitute a competence to establish one-sided conflict-of-laws rules that take precedence over the applicable law. 

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Keywords: overriding mandatory provisions; motor insurance directives; law applicable to non-contractual obligations; private international law


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Akty prawne/Legal acts
Dyrektywa Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady 2009/103/WE z 16.09.2009 r. w sprawie ubezpieczenia od odpowiedzialności cywilnej za szkody
powstałe w związku z ruchem pojazdów mechanicznych i egzekwowania obowiązku ubezpieczania od takiej odpowiedzialności (Dz.Urz. UE L nr 263, s. 11).
Rozporządzenie (WE) nr 864/2007 Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady z 11.07.2007 r. dotyczące prawa właściwego dla zobowiązań pozaumownych (Rzym II) (Dz.Urz. UE L 2007 nr 199, s. 40).
Rozporządzenie Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (WE) nr 593/2008 z 17.06.2008 r. w sprawie prawa właściwego dla zobowiązań umownych (Rzym I) (Dz.Urz. UE L nr 177, s. 6).

Wyrok TSWE z 23.11.1999 r., Jean-Claude Arblade i Arblade&Fils SARL i Bernard Leloup, Serge Leloup i Sofrage SARL, C-369/96 i C-376/96, ECLI:EU:C:1999:575.
Wyrok TSUE z 17.10.2013 r., United Antwerp Maritime Agencies (Unamar) NV przeciwko Navigation Maritime Bulgare, C-184/12, ECLI:EU:C:2013:663.
Wyrok TSUE z 21.01.2016 r. w sprawie ERGO Insurance SE przeciwko If P&C InsuranceAS i Gjensidige Baltic AAS przeciwko PZU Lietuva UAB DK, C-359/14 i C-475/14, ECLI:EU:C:2016:40.
Wyrok TSUE z 31.01.2019 r. w sprawie Agostinho da Silva Martins przeciwko DekraClaims Services Portugal SA, C-149/18, ECLI:EU:C:2019:84.

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