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DOI: 10.33226/0032-6186.2020.6.3
JEL: J28, K32
Magdalena Dobrzyńska ORCID: 0000-0001-5390-3885 , e-mail: madob|| |madob|

Crowd employment. Challenges to occupational health and safety in Poland

Progressive growth of digital economy and the development of collaborative economy (sharing economy) are interlined with recent emergence of new forms of employment on modern labour market. Crowd employment is one of new forms of work, using internet platforms to match the demand and supply in services. The article aims to elaborate on challenges to occupational safety and health deriving from the emergence and development of crowd employment in Poland. In the first part, the term and occurrence of crowd employment are clarified. The second part focuses on analysing crowd employment in Poland, based on desk-research. In the third part, challenges to occupational safety and health deriving form crowd employment are examined.

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Keywords: crowde employment; non-standard employment; occupational safety and health; working conditions; workplace safety; health and safety law



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Labour and Social Security Journal 6/2020
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