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DOI: 10.33226/0032-6186.2022.11.3
JEL: I38, J83, K31

Benefit morality: theoretical framework and practical implications

The availability of social benefits is determined by the legal regulations operating in a given country. The actual scope of using these benefits depends, however, on cultural factor, including, in particular, the dominant moral norms. While some individuals (persons, households) abuse welfare benefits, others, on the contrary, do not use them despite appropriate entitlements to do so. This individual attitude to the solutions offered by the welfare state has been described as "welfare morality". This article attempts to conceptualize this term. Presents its essence and practical significance for the welfare system. Moreover, both "deviations" from the optimal usage were discussed: excessive (welfare fraud) and insufficient (welfare non-take-up).

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Keywords: benefit morality; moral hazard; welfare fraud; welfare non-take-up



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