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DOI: 10.33226/0032-6186.2020.6.4
JEL: K29, K49
Jacek Wantoch-Rekowski ORCID: 0000-0002-1606-7790 , e-mail: rekowski|| |rekowski|
Tomasz Brzezicki ORCID: 0000-0003-1048-1402 , e-mail: brzoza|| |brzoza|

On the lack of competence to issue decisions by the Remission Centre of the Polish Social Insurance Institution (ZUS)

Article 28(1) of the Act of 13 October 1998 on the social insurance system enables the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) to remit contributions receivable. The payer's application is settled in the form of a decision. The problem of remittance of social security contributions has recently been 'centralised' by the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) and is dealt with by the Remission Centre. From a theoretical and practical point of view, it is important whether the entity issuing the decision is the Remission Centre (i.e. the head of the Remission Centre) or the Social Insurance Institution acting through the President of the Institution or employees of the Institution acting under the authority of the President of the Social Insurance Institution.

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Keywords: social insurance contributions; remission; Polish Social Insurance Institution (ZUS); decisions



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Labour and Social Security Journal 6/2020
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