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DOI: 10.33226/0032-6186.2021.9.2
JEL: K31

Pursuit of equality as the essence of labour law

The author puts forward that the pursuit of equality, which is a general determinant of the contemporary shaping of social relations, has always constituted one of the main, and perhaps the most significant reason for the existence and development of labour law as a separate branch of law, and for its expansion. She points out that in the early days of labour law, the legal institutions forming the core of this field on the basis of civil law, in addition to ensuring safe and healthy working conditions, were aimed at removing the discrepancy (dissonance) between equality in the formal sense (equivalence) and inequality in the material sense of the subjects of legal relations in connection with the performance of subordinate work. Their sense boils down to the restriction of the principle of freedom of contract, so that "negotiation" of employment conditions can only take place above (not below) the standard set by the labour law. The author also stresses that in the last decades of the twentieth century, however, the equality aspect of labour law moved into a second phase. A feature of this phase is the accentuation of the need not only to level the privilege of the employer over the employee as the stronger party of the employment relationship, but also to remove inequalities between the employees themselves in matters related to the employment relationship resulting from different treatment by the employer of the individual persons employed by him or her. The "levelling" restriction of the principle of freedom of contract nowadays no longer involves only the prohibition of employers to emploi workers below the standards set by semi-imperative norms of labour law, but also entails the prohibition to apply different standards of employment to some workers than to others without a legitimate reason. According to the author, the equality aspect is also the flywheel of the formation of a new field of law, which we call employment law, whose subject matter is generally understood to be the regulation of social relations involving the provision of non-subordinate work. However, the essence of employment law, at least in its current, initial (germinating) form, is largely based on the uniformization (equalization) of certain elements of the protection of persons providing work on bases other than employment relationships with the protection standards inherent to labour law.

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Keywords: labour law; equality



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