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DOI: 10.33226/0032-6186.2020.11.2
JEL: K31
Jakub Szmit ORCID: 0000-0001-9079-4630 , e-mail: jszmit|| |jszmit|

Period of employment or period of work? Reaction to changes in the labour market

The labour market is currently undergoing far-reaching changes in its structure. The trends of moving away from employee employment to other legal bases of performing work are becoming stronger. First of all, statistical data show an increase in the number of civil law contracts and self-employment. This state is definitely different from that which existed when Polish labour law was codified. Therefore, the question should be asked whether constructions that have their roots often back in the 1970s still meet their axiological assumptions. On the example of the analysis of the structure of seniority, how this concept is usually understood under the provisions of labour law and how the seniority affects the situation of employees, one can put forward the thesis that the legislator should begin to react more strongly to the current socioeconomic reality. Alternatively, he should take effective steps to shape it in the desired manner.

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Keywords: period of employment; atypical employment; labour law; employment law; discrimination



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