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DOI: 10.33226/0032-6186.2023.5.9
JEL: K31
Daniel Eryk Lach ORCID: 0000-0001-6223-5356 , e-mail: lach|| |lach|

Online platform's incentive system as an instrument of the employer's management (Judgment of the German Federal Labor Court (BAG) of December 1st, 2020, 9 AZR 102/20)

The subject of the study is a discussion of the arguments cited by the German federal labor court (BAG) in the judgment of December 1 st 2020, 9 AZR 102/20, to justify the thesis that an incentive system can be considered an instrument of the employer's management confirming the existence of an employment relationship, in the light of the statements of the German speaking literature, and an assessment of the impact of this judgment on the qualification of the legal status of persons working through the online crowdworkers platform.

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Keywords: work relationship of platform workers; crowdworkers; employer management



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