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DOI: 10.33226/0032-6186.2021.4.5
JEL: K31

No-hire agreement

The evaluation of no-hire agreement raises a number of concerns. Polish jurisprudence presents a view that this agreement is an unacceptable interference in the sphere of economic freedom and freedom of work. in this text, the author verifies the above legal view. He shows that the entrepreneur's autonomous decision to undertake not to employ the contractor's employees does not constitute a breach of freedom of work, per se. The author analyzes freedom of work in a horizontal aspect, as a value that becomes reality in the principles of social coexistence. This argument serves as a reference for assessing the validity of an agreement restricting employment opportunities and its impact on the legal position of the employee.

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Keywords: freedom to choose a place of work; freedom of economic activity; limiting of hiring; freedom to contract



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