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DOI: 10.33226/0032-6186.2023.3.6
JEL: K31, K32
Katarzyna Maria Zoń ORCID: 0000-0001-5175-2091 , e-mail: kzon|| |kzon|

Training leave of a doctor performs his profession on the based on a labor employment relationship – considerations in light of the Polish Act on the Doctor and Dentist Professions

This article is devoted to the legal regulations regarding the training leave of a doctor performs his profession based on a labor employment relationship in the light of the Act of 5th December 1996 on the Doctor and Dentist Professions. Continuing professional development is integrally related to the proper pursuit of the medical profession. The author points out and characterizes the legal framework for training leave both the stage of postgraduate education and professional development.

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Keywords: continuing professional development; postgraduate education; professional development; doctor's rights.



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