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DOI: 10.33226/0032-6186.2023.6.5
JEL: K31

Legal counteracting the misuse of atypical forms of employment – comments de lege lata and de lege ferenda

The subject of the article is an analysis of changes in the regulations setting out the rules of application of atypical forms of employment, i.e. fixed-term and parttime employment contracts. In the author's view, the assessment of the rules of application of these agreements must be made both from the point of view of the interests of employees (safety) and employers (flexibility). Therefore, bearing in mind the last changes in the Labor Code, in the author's opinion, fixed-term employment contracts are regulated in a correct way, preventing their misuse. On the other hand, as regards to part-time contracts, changes in the regulations are necessary, which in particular would limit the possibility of unlimited assignments of work beyond the working time specified in the contract.

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Keywords: Employment; employment contract for an indefinite period; fixed-term employment contract; part-time employment contract; termination of the employment contract; trade unions




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