Verification of the contractual work remuneration amount by the Social Insurance Institution for the purpose of determining the basis for calculating the contribution
The aim of the article is to discuss the authorization of the Social Insurance Institution to question the amount of the remuneration determined in the employment contract for the purpose of determining the basis for calculating the contribution. The article briefly discusses the resolution of the Supreme Court of 27 April 2005. (II UZP 2/05) in which this entitlement was formulated. Moreover, the prerequisites for the application of the correction mechanism are presented and briefly discussed, as well as some comments on the application of the mechanism itself. Despite the extensive case-law of the Supreme Court on the application of the mechanism in question, Social Insurance Institution often seems to ignore this case-law. As a consequence, it seems advisable to undertake a scientific reflection on the discussed issue, especially with regard to the necessity of regulating the entitlement of the Social Insurance Institution in question in statutory provisions.
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