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DOI: 10.33226/0032-6186.2020.2.4
JEL: K31

Employment of a computer program's creator in the form of telework

The subject of the article is the issue of employing a programmer in the form of telework, which due to its inter-branch nature, should be interpreted considering both labour law and copyright law. With respect to the specifics of creative work and the ability to performing it at a distance, the author is analyzing teleworking, futher exploring: time and place of telework, its' regularity of provision and relation of superiority of the employer and subordination of the employee in the light of the computer programmers work. There are also being made considerations about the using equipment, which is necessary to provide work and related with its legal problems in the field of payment of the equivalent. Autor tries to show occurring problematic spheres during the provision of telework by a programmer, indicating their possible practical solutions.

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Keywords: telepraca; twórca; program komputerowy; podporządkowanie w stosunku telepracy; podporządkowanie autonomiczne; czas pracy telepracownika; miejsce pracy telepracownika


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Labour and Social Security Journal 2/2020
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