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DOI: 10.33226/1231-2037.2020.3.3
JEL: M0,M2
Sabina Kauf ORCID: 0000-0002-5978-4490 , e-mail: skauf|| |skauf|

Blockchain as a platform for a public logistic

Managers of the public sector are increasingly looking for new opportunities to offer residents a
larger package of benefits that contribute to improving the quality of life. One of them is public
logistics, which has the potential to integrate and coordinate activities in the implementation of
public tasks. However, public sector concerns regarding private performance of benefits are still
relatively high. This is due not only to the lack of confidence in the external performance of tasks, but

also to the lack of transparency in the relationship between the public and private sectors. This is
justified by agency theory. A way to improve relations and optimize the offer in the city can be
blockchain technology, which is a revolutionary and ground-breaking technology that promises to
change the way interactions between city stakeholders. It offers new alternatives not only to shape
city-society relations, increase public sector transparency, but also to facilitate the transmission of
confidential data without compromising privacy and security. In the article I will attempt to assess
the possibilities of using blockchain technology in the implementation of public tasks and in everyday
contacts of the public sector with stakeholders. I tried to show the possibilities of blockchain
technology in shaping the relationship between the public sector and society and entities from the
non-public sector involved in the implementation of public services.

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Keywords: public logistic; public management; blockchain; smart contract


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