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DOI: 10.33226/1231-2037.2024.2.6
JEL: L62, L99, J14, R49
Aneta Wnuk ORCID: 0000-0002-5971-1857 , e-mail: aneta.wnuk|| |aneta.wnuk|
Beata Stasiak-Cieślak ORCID: 0000-0003-1548-3562 , e-mail: cum|| |cum|

Evaluation of systems and devices used in cars by the drivers and passengers with disabilities – results of pilot research

Since 2015, the Automotive Services Centre has been operating at the Motor Transport Institute for Disabled People (CUM) and since 2021, as part of the project entitled Knowledge Centre on Accessibility to transport and mobility for people with special needs (CWoD), there has been an information and consultation point active in which road users with disabilities, and in particular users of individual transport – drivers and passengers of passenger cars – can obtain information that will facilitate their functioning in road traffic. Part of customer service for people with disabilities is collecting information, also for scientific and research works. From November 2022 to June 2023, as a pilot research, interviews were conducted with beneficiaries of the above-mentioned entities, in order to learn their opinions on the systems and adaptive devices they use in cars. The results of this study, presented in this article, allowed for the development of general recommendations regarding advising people with special needs (PSN) – users of individual transport, the implementation of which would improve the quality of services in this area.

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Keywords: people with special needs; users of individual transport; advising people with disabilities; systems and devices in passenger cars dedicated to people with disabilities 9osoby ze specjalnymi potrzebami; użytkownicy transportu indywidualnego; doradztwo dla osób z niepełnosprawnościami; systemy i urządzenia w samochodach osobowych dedykowane osobom z niepełnosprawnościami)





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Websites/Strony internetowe

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