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DOI: 10.33226/1231-2037.2022.5.4
JEL: L10, L19, M10, M19

Logistics capabilities in shaping the customer service

The increasing competition encourages firms to search for sources of competitive advantage. An important element in creating this advantage is customer service. Properly implemented customer service allows to achieve customer satisfaction and contentment, which enables the formation and maintaining of competitive advantage. One of the methods of proper shaping of customer service are the capabilities of firms, including logistics capabilities. The aim of the article is to present the importance of logistics capabilities in shaping customer service. This article presents (1) the concept of logistics capabilities, (2) the essence, stages and elements of customer service, (3) transformation of the customer service approach towards logistics service and (4) identifies the logistics capabilities with the greatest contribution to the formation of customer service.

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Keywords: firm capabilities; logistics capabilities; customer service



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