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DOI: 10.33226/1231-2037.2021.3.4
JEL: L10

Logistics as a factor of creation competitiveness of the enterprise

Logistics focused on the market, customer service and its appropriate level began to become priorities in activities. It was forced by the phenomenon of the formation of a logistic network observed in the markets today, the significant integration of many enterprises and organizations within one supply chain, and a significant increase in the role of the latest technologies in logistics activities. Due to the observed changes, many entities present on the market nowadays treat logistics as a kind of strategic opportunity. Unfortunately, we still know too little about the problem of using logistics as an important element of gaining a competitive advantage, therefore the aim of the article is to present the possibilities of logistics in improving the position of enterprises in a competitive market and to show its importance for the organization.

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Keywords: competition strategy; supply chain; customer; enterprise; integration



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