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DOI: 10.33226/1231-2037.2021.3.5
JEL: C00
Marek Mróz ORCID: 0000-0003-1826-0495 , e-mail: m.mroz|| |m.mroz|

Prediction of sales volume by the Brown model as an element of economic calculation on the example of Comarch

The topic of the article is a prediction of sales volume in the IT company Comarch calculated with the method of exponential equalization using a one-parameter Brown model on the basis of conducted theoretical and empirical research. The main objective of the undertaken research was to calculate predictions for the next two quarters (third and fourth) of 2020, on the basis of obtained empirical data from 2016–2020.

On the other side, the research problem concerned the proper use of the Brown model for predicting sales volumes, in order to obtain a more precise prediction. The theoretical and practical approach to the problem of research made it possible to attempt to organize the area of knowledge related to Brown's model prediction, including mainly the smoothing of the time series using the exponential equalization method.

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Keywords: prediction; Brown model; exponential alignment method; smoothing constant




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