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dr hab. inż. Rafał Prusak
ORCID: 0000-0001-9896-7233

Associate Professor at Department of Production Management, Faculty of Production Engineering and Materials Technology, Czestochowa University of Technology. He is the head of the scientific discipline material engineering at his university. He carries out his scientific activity in two disciplines: material engineering and management and quality sciences. Among his scientific interests, there are issues of human capital, knowledge and intellectual capital management, strategic analysis of enterprises as well as organization and optimization of production processes.

DOI: 10.33226/1231-2037.2024.4.4
JEL: C1, D24, L15

The main goal of the paper was to determine the importance of using statistical quality assessment tools used in SPC to optimize quality from the point of view of obtaining stable results that meet the requirements set by customers or technical documentation. The analysis of quality parameters of blast furnace pig iron produced by a selected production plant was carried out, in which selected SPC tools were used. The analysis used data from the output of the production process and concerning the quality of the finished product, i.e. metallurgical pig iron. The following parameters: content of Si, Mn, P, S, C and the temperature of the finished product were analysed. The analysis included results from tests from 36 consecutive calendar months. Control charts of average values and quality capability indices were used to evaluate selected quality parameters.

Keywords: quality; quality engineering; SPC; statistical analysis; pig iron
DOI: 10.33226/1231-2037.2023.4.1
JEL: D8, O3, Q01

The article presents the results of survey research assessing the importance of individual components of relational capital from the point of view of the strategies implemented in enterprises. The relationship between relational capital and logistics processes was also analysed. The analysis of the data was based on the results of surveys from 200 enterprises located in the southern part of Poland. The purpose of the research was to determine the relationship between selected elements of relational capital and the effects of functioning of enterprises in the context of logistics processes. The research conducted and the results obtained allowed to demonstrate that in the studied group of enterprises there were correlations between the approach of enterprises to building relational capital and the results achieved in the context of selected aspects of logistics processes.

Keywords: intellectual capital; relational capital; green logistics; logistic processes
DOI: 10.33226/1231-2037.2022.4.1
JEL: D2, D8

Knowledge and its management are the key success factors for enterprises operating on the market today. One of the main features of good management in terms of building unique competitive advantages is the company's ability to learn and transfer knowledge. Nowadays, knowledge is becoming - on a micro scale — a priority production factor and — on a macro scale — a determinant of technical progress. The potential benefits resulting from the implementation of the knowledge management system include: creating new products and brands, building the image, optimizing the use of resources, building effective internal and external relations, creating innovations and conducting research and development works. The aim of the article is to present the results of research conducted on a group of 105 companies in the context of the impact of selected elements of the knowledge management system on: the number of complaints, the number of hazardous events and accidents, work efficiency, the number of customers, the amount of staff turnover, and the number of ideas and improvements.

Keywords: knowledge management; logistics; management of processes
DOI: 10.33226/1231-2037.2019.11.6

The basic possibilities of modern enterprises depend on the ability to create, transfer, integrate and use knowledge. It is a key element enabling identification and effective use of accumulated potential. Many elements in the focus of knowledge management is shared with the processes of logistics management. What is more, their goals overlap in many areas. The main goal of logistics management — according to the theories presented in the literature — is to maximize the value provided to customers while minimizing the costs incurred as a result of managing all related activities of the flow of materials and goods from sources of supply to the user of finished products. The aim of the article is to present the results of research conducted on a group of 105 companies in the context of the impact of selected elements of the knowledge management system on the level of complaints in the surveyed companies.

Keywords: knowledge management; complaint level