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DOI: 10.33226/1231-2037.2020.12.3
JEL: L61

Resource intensity in industry — an example of coke intensity in Polish steel industry

The publication presents the analysis of the coke intensity for the Polish steel sector using descriptive statistics. The resource intensity is one of the important measures for assessing the sustainability of the economy, industry and enterprises. Coke is the basic material (resource) used in metallurgy for the production of steel. Coke intensity in the steel industry is a measure of the processing and coke intensity (consumption) by integrated steel mills, i.e. ones equipped with installations of blast furnaces and converters. The article presents an analysis of the coke consumption in the steel production process in Poland. Coking plants in Poland offer steel coke, foundry coke, heating coke and export coke (this explanation is important for understanding the scope of the analysis). This paper presents the coke oven market in Poland (historical changes) together with the coke production volume in 1995–2019. Then, comparisons were made of the coke production volume with the pig iron production and the production of steel produced in the BF + BOF technology (short for Blast Furnace + Basic Oxygen Furnace). The performed analysis may be useful in assessing the impact of the coke and steel industry on the sustainability of the economy in the area of resource consumption, on the example of coke production. The added value of the article is a long-term historical presentation of coke intensity. The analysis was based on industry data presented annually for the past 25 years. The aim of the research (analysis) was to fix the level of coke intensity in the market relation: supplier and producer.

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Keywords: resources; resource intensity; coke; coke industry; steel intensity



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