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DOI: 10.33226/1231-2037.2019.11.3
Edyta Kardas ORCID: 0000-0001-7699-2622 , e-mail: edyta.kardas|| |edyta.kardas|

Selected elements of raw materials management in blast furnace department of steelworks

The production of pig iron requires a huge amount of raw materials and materials for production. The continuous operation of blast furnace means that there cannot be situation of lack of raw materials in the warehouse. The main purpose of the paper is the characteristics of problem of raw materials management in the selected Blast Furnace Department in one of Polish steelworks. This paper applies only to one type of raw materials: iron ores. In the first part the analysis of volume and structure of raw materials supply to the plant is presented. In the second part, the volumes of pig iron production and unit demand for individual raw materials and materials were assessed. In the last part of the paper, the attempt of forecasting of production and demand for iron ores was made. The analysis takes into account the results collected in the analyzed Blast Furnace Department and covers the period of 1 calendar year.

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Keywords: lraw materials; raw materials management; forecasting; pig iron



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