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Material Economy and Logistics 11/2019

ISSN: 1231-8753
Pages: 60
Publication date: 2019
Place publication: Warszawa
Binding: paperback
Format: A4
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DOI: 10.33226/1231-2037.2019.11.1

The article presents an analysis of the quality of semifinished products delivered to a well-known automotive company by over a dozen domestic and foreign suppliers. The monthly percentage distribution of each supplier's share in the tested batch (about 4 million items) and the percentage share of non-compliance disclosed by the recipient for the main suppliers in the examined period is presented In the following, the disclosed non-compliances were divided into basic (most numerous) categories and their division by key suppliers was presented. This analysis allowed to see some kind of a phenomena that can be improved by a more comprehensive look at the whole group of suppliers.

Keywords: supply logistics; quality of delivery
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DOI: 10.33226/1231-2037.2019.11.2

An ambiguous approach to the perception of logistics management and supply chain management and their mutual relations raises a number of theoretical discussions. This is also reflected in business practice, but in this case it may be related to the inability to use the potential offered by the implementation of the supply chain management concept. Shaping the competitive ability of enterprises on the market is primarily associated with the identification of such areas where there is a potential to increase the efficiency of operations. The paper presents the results of surveys carried out in Polish enterprises regarding the perception of the role of logistics and its relationship with supply chain management in creating and increasing value.

Keywords: logistics; supply chain management; survey; enterprises
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DOI: 10.33226/1231-2037.2019.11.3

The production of pig iron requires a huge amount of raw materials and materials for production. The continuous operation of blast furnace means that there cannot be situation of lack of raw materials in the warehouse. The main purpose of the paper is the characteristics of problem of raw materials management in the selected Blast Furnace Department in one of Polish steelworks. This paper applies only to one type of raw materials: iron ores. In the first part the analysis of volume and structure of raw materials supply to the plant is presented. In the second part, the volumes of pig iron production and unit demand for individual raw materials and materials were assessed. In the last part of the paper, the attempt of forecasting of production and demand for iron ores was made. The analysis takes into account the results collected in the analyzed Blast Furnace Department and covers the period of 1 calendar year.

Keywords: lraw materials; raw materials management; forecasting; pig iron
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DOI: 10.33226/1231-2037.2019.11.4

The article describes the basic connections between the warehouse, the user and the environment. An analysis of factors (properties) influencing the functioning of the warehouse was made. It presents selected controllable storage quantities at discrete time points, focusing on the analysis of quantitative measures, including risk used to assess logistic processes and contains a classification of threats affecting the functioning of warehouse management. This section presents random functions with known probability distributions allowing to determine the susceptibility of the warehouse to the occurrence of dangerous situations. The last chapter is the result of empirical research carried out in selected warehouses in the context of the course of warehouse processes under real conditions.

Keywords: warehouse; risk; user; storage indicator; threats; safety; vulnerability
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DOI: 10.33226/1231-2037.2019.11.5

Modern logistics companies, in order to be competitive, are forced to seek new solutions to improve flexibility and quick action. No logistics company can function without people who are part of various logistics processes. The article presents issues related to the human factor that has a direct impact on logistics processes.

Keywords: logistics processes; knowledge; competences; human capital; personnel function
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DOI: 10.33226/1231-2037.2019.11.6

The basic possibilities of modern enterprises depend on the ability to create, transfer, integrate and use knowledge. It is a key element enabling identification and effective use of accumulated potential. Many elements in the focus of knowledge management is shared with the processes of logistics management. What is more, their goals overlap in many areas. The main goal of logistics management — according to the theories presented in the literature — is to maximize the value provided to customers while minimizing the costs incurred as a result of managing all related activities of the flow of materials and goods from sources of supply to the user of finished products. The aim of the article is to present the results of research conducted on a group of 105 companies in the context of the impact of selected elements of the knowledge management system on the level of complaints in the surveyed companies.

Keywords: knowledge management; complaint level
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DOI: 10.33226/1231-2037.2019.11.7

Currently, the steel industry is facing the problem of the energetic use of process by-products. According to the latest directives, metallurgical gases (COG coke oven gas, BFG blast furnace gas and BOFG converter gas) should not be a side effect that is inconvenient to manage. They should become an energy carrier improving the economic and ecological efficiency of the steel mill. The easiest way to develop them is to burn or co-burn with natural gas directly at the place of production in heating furnaces located in the steelworks. However, this technology faces many difficulties. The biggest technical problems are related to ensuring the required gas purity and continuity of gas supplies with appropriate Energy parameters. Additional difficulties resulting from the nature of the gases burned may ultimately force the user to make the necessary modifications to the way the process is carried out. The consequence of this is the reduction of the economic efficiency of the process.

Keywords: process gases; effective material management
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DOI: 10.33226/1231-2037.2019.11.8

In this study a possibility of using four types of biomass as a fuel in a domestic heating boiler has been investigated. Pine and spruce sawdust, sunflower husk and corn straw were analyzed. Analyzed materials were pelletized. Selected physicochemical properties as well as the elemental composition of the obtained pellets was determined. An economic analysis was also carried out. The experimental results show that the analyzed types of biomass, due to their competitive price, high calorific value and appropriate elemental composition, can be successfully used as fuel in domestic heating boilers.

Keywords: biomass; pellet; domestic boiler; renewable fuel
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DOI: 10.33226/1231-2037.2019.11.9

The article discusses problems related to the work safety of a building store — warehouse manager, cashier and driver. Selected aspects of ergonomics and safety at the aforementioned workstations were discussed. The results of questionnaire surveys in a selected group of employees in the discussed company regarding the problem of work safety were presented.

Keywords: warehouseman; ergonomics; safety of works
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