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DOI: 10.33226/1231-2037.2022.3.5
JEL: R40, R41

Socio-economic dimension of road traffic safety. Relationship between GDP and costs of road traffic accidents

The article present the results of analyses of the socioeconomic consequences of road traffic accidents in the world. Victims injured in road accidents and the associated social costs are one of the negative effects of our transport mobility. The WHO predicts that by 2030 road accidents may be even 5th in the world as a cause of excess mortality. Most often, people of productive age, aged 15 to 44, are killed in accidents. The article presents general statistics on personal losses due to road accidents and the corresponding economic consequences. The article answers the question of what determines the value of the economic costs of road accidents and what is their significance for society. Moreover, the article highlights the problem of social inequalities caused by higher costs of road accidents in lower income countries. The article presents some of the results of the research conducted by the author since 2011 on the economic consequences of road accidents in the world.

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Keywords: socio-economic costs of road traffic accidents; road traffic safety; value of statistical life; gross domestic product (GDP); social inequalities



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