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DOI: 10.33226/1231-2037.2020.1.4
JEL: H420
Olimpia Kunert ORCID: 0000-0001-9036-8746 , e-mail: o.kunert|| |o.kunert|

Study of the difficulty of working in logistics of airport services

The dynamic development of a modern knowledge-based economy results with the necessity of shaping wages according to the difficulties of the performed work. Human work evaluation is a very complex and delicate problem. Determining the extent to which activities performed at individual workplaces differ, what is the value of required education and work experience, which qualifications should be included in wages, and to what extent the responsibility of work should be reflected by the remuneration, how to assess mental or physical effort or working conditions requires a strong methodological support. The "Quatro" method enables to allocate funds for remuneration according to the determined level of work difficulty. The research carried out of 920 workplaces in the domain of airport services logistics, where a full cross-section of positions requiring both general and specific qualifications can be observed, showed that the level of specific qualifications is significantly higher than the level of general qualifications, and criteria for assessing the difficulty of working in the environment must be expanded due to the presence of many potential risk factors. As a result, jobs requiring specific qualifications should be paid three Times higher than for jobs requiring general qualifications.

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Keywords: aviation logistics; work difficulty; remuneration



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Material Economy and Logistics 1/2020
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