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DOI: 10.33226/1231-2037.2020.3.6
Iwona Pisz ORCID: 0000-0001-6079-3178 , e-mail: ipisz|| |ipisz|

Early warning system in project management as a tool for achieving project success

The aim of the work is to present the nature of early warning systems in project management in the
context of achieving project goals. The need to use early warning tools in project management is

justified primarily in the fact that, as a rule, (apart from extraordinary events) enterprises show
symptoms of crisis situations in the implementation of projects undertaken long before the project
fails. Early identification of signals of the impending crisis should therefore be one of the basic tasks
in project management. The article discusses the role of the early warning system and its functions.
The applications of early warning systems in practice have been pointed out. An example of an early
warning system is presented on the example of the ELOshield system in the field of logistics

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Keywords: project; weak signals; early warning systems; project success


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Material Economy and Logistics 3/2020
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