The implications of the modernization of railway connections between Krakow and Katowice based on the analysis of the train timetable (13.12.2020–11.12.2021)
Connections between voivodship cities are very important as they facilitate not only the movement of people, but also of capital, information and other resources. These functions are fulfilled by the railway connection between Krakow and Katowice. The main academic and industrial centres etc. are located in these cities. On the route Kraków– Katowice there are: a part of the Krakow agglomeration and a part of the Upper Silesian conurbation. For many years these cities have suffered from unsatisfactory journey times and a low number of trains. Travelers who wanted to use public transport services were left to use buses. From December 2020, the number of train services on this route has been increased and journey times significantly reduced. On this route, the number of connections operated by PKP Intercity, POLREGIO increased. A few courses of Koleje Śląskie have also appeared. This phenomenon has a positive impact, because the competition between rail and bus transport has started. The main purpose of the article is to examine the consequences of the modernization of the railway line connecting Krakow and Katowice and its impact on the network of connections. The secondary one is to compare the offers of carriers. The article focuses on parameters related to: the number of connections per day, travel time and the number of stations served. These considerations may be an inspiration for further research on the network of connections between metropolitan cities, such as Krakow and Katowice.
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