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DOI: 10.33226/1231-2037.2021.10.2
JEL: Q53, Q57
Dorota Musiał ORCID: 0000-0002-0667-3033 , e-mail: dorota.musiał|| |dorota.musiał|

Neutralization of industrial liquid waste in laboratory conditions

The fast development of technology and modern branches of industry is conducive to the increase in the amount of generated waste. This is associated with serious ecological and economic problems that must be controlled and solved on an ongoing basis in accordance with the requirements of environmental protection. Early recognition of the threat posed by inappropriate waste management allows to make the right decisions in a short time, which will be safe, acceptable to society and probably associated with much lower costs. Action is needed both by producers and citizens, aimed at developing effective methods of waste disposal. This paper attempts to analyze and explain the issues related to the thermal neutralization of combustible industrial waste. The purpose of the study was to use the abovementioned wastes primarily for energy purposes. This procedure can be applied to various already existing technological processes. Thermal utilization takes place in various types of chambers, and the installations are selected individually for each type of waste due to the variety of their properties.

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Keywords: industrial liquid waste; waste oils; effective material management



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