Najlepsze ceny Specjalne oferty dla członków klubu książki PWE Najtańsza dostawa

Gospodarka Materiałowa i Logistyka nr 10/2013

ISSN: 1231-2037
Liczba stron: 32
Rok wydania: 2013
Miejsce wydania: Warszawa
Oprawa: miękka
Cena artykułu
Wersja elektroniczna
Kup artykuł
Cena numeru czasopisma
Prenumerata roczna 2025 (4 kolejne numery)
480.00 zł
Najniższa cena z 30 dni: 384.00
480.00 zł
Najniższa cena z 30 dni: 384.00
Od numeru:

Gospodarka Materiałowa i Logistyka 10/2013




Spis treści


T. Bartosz Kalinowski
Dojrzałość procesowa a zarządzanie ryzykiem operacyjnym




Process Maturity vs. Operational Risk Management


The aim of the paper is to propose a procedure for operational risk management of processes performed in organizations. The study is built upon the concept of business process management and business process maturity and demonstrates how those concepts support an affective analysis, assessment and overall operational risk management. The article is a combination of literature review, presentation of the author's own considerations and the results of the author’s study on business processes.


Anna Brzozowska
Zarządzanie w globalnych sieciach transportowych




Management in global transportation networks


Basic problems related to management in global transportation networks have been discussed. The attention was placed to basic transportation processes, sources of demand for transport have been characterized, and features of transportation services have been defined. It has been underlined in this article that basic purpose of transport is to fulfill transportation needs. An adequate execution of these needs mainly depends of selection of proper transportation means, which falls into responsibilities of a person managing transport. At present, in the time of rapid globalization process, management in global transportation networks and the related challenges and dangers is becoming highly significant.


Dorota Leończuk
Giełdy transportowe oraz platformy przetargowe – elektroniczne narzędzia wspomagające wybór przewoźnika w transporcie samochodowym




Freight exchanges and bidding platforms – electronic tools supporting the selection of a carrier in the vehicle transport of goods


Polish motor transport market is characterized by a high level of supply-side subjective dispersion. In 2011, more than 25,000 motor transport enterprises engaged in the international transport of goods were recorded in the country, of which approximately 90% were the entities whose car park did not exceed ten vehicles.


The use of traditional tools of contact with transport companies in order to select a specific carrier (e.g. trade catalogs, phone, or fax) can make it difficult to reach satisfactory offers, increasing the operating costs of business activity. Necessary arrangements enabling the sharing of information on the market are provided by the electronic B2B market (business-to-business). Online tools increase the possibility of reaching a large number of customers and provide better adaptation of the agreements to the current needs. Most frequently these are the directories ofoffers with the possibility of performing various searches (e.g. Keyword Search), auction services, and online platforms enabling the conclusion of the short-or long-term contracts.


In recent years, we could also observe a dynamic growth of the online freight exchanges, and tender transport platforms. This paper describes the principles of operation of such tools and the benefits and risks associated with their use. There has also been a review and characterization of a selection of sites.


Z praktyki przedsiębiorstw


Renata Kozik, Agnieszka Leśniak, Edyta Plebankiewicz
Problemy wyboru dostawcy materiałów budowlanych




Problems with selection of construction material suppliers


A proper conduction of the procedures for selecting suppliers of construction materials can greatly reduce the cost of execution of the work. In the paper particular attention has been paid to the issue of supplying construction materials ordered by the investor. To select the best suppliers the choice of the right criteria is vital. The selection criteria, which are briefly described in the paper, should relate to the delivery and competence of the supplier. The authors analysed 39 contract awarded notices for the provision of construction materials which had been published in the Public Procurement Bulletin in the second half of 2012. The results of the research reveal that most of the contracts were awarded by open tendering. The price is the only criterion used by investors. The article also presents legal regulations and the principles for the preparation of the construction materials supply contract.

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