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Gospodarka Materiałowa i Logistyka nr 11/2011

ISSN: 1231-2037
Liczba stron: 32
Rok wydania: 2011
Miejsce wydania: Warszawa
Oprawa: miękka
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Prenumerata roczna 2025 (4 kolejne numery)
480.00 zł
Najniższa cena z 30 dni: 384.00
480.00 zł
Najniższa cena z 30 dni: 384.00
Od numeru:

„Gospodarka Materiałowa i Logistyka” 11/2011
Spis treści
Maciej Bielecki
Produkt logistycznie sprawny w małych przedsiębiorstwach produkcyjnych
Logistically efficient product in aspect of transport processes of small production enterprises
The article presents results of research conducted on small production enterprises (SPE). The research was con­ducted to determine conditions of logistic management in SPE and the article shall address the concept of a logisti­cally efficient product in aspect of transport processes in this firms.
Andrzej Bożek
Wydajna symulacja systemów produkcyjnych z użyciem formalizmu HTCPN
Efficient simulation of production systems with use of HTCPN formalism
The approach of the simulation of production systems based on the Hierarchical Timed Coloured Petri Net (HTCPN) formalism has been presented. The optimised simulation algorithm has been proposed that results in a low computational complexity. The approach combines efficiency and flexibility.
Paulina Golińska
Kooperacja w klastrach – badania pilotażowe w Wielkopolsce
Level of the cooperation of clusters in Wielkopolska – pilot studies
The paper presents the results of the pilot studies that were conducted in the Wielkopolska region in Poland. The purpose of these studies was to evaluate the level of integration of clusters. The studies were conducted using in-depth directly interview. Author has modified the Poirier model of supply chain integration in order to fit to the conditions of clusters. The results reflect detailed analysis of both the economic relationships and innovativeness of the selected networks. The pilot studies have taken in consideration network structure, characteristics of relation­ships in the network. The emphasis was placed on the evaluation of the impact, which participation in collaboration network has on innovation creation and transformation in companies.
Katarzyna Grzybowska
Kształtowanie zachowań nowych partnerów w łańcuchu dostaw
Shaping the behaviour of supply chain partners – the socialization of newly adopted enter­prises to existing structures
Business models for supply chain are evolving. Enterprises are shaping the next generation of supply chain man­agement. Companies are being driven to develop systems that provide greater insights and the ability to influence the behaviour of supply chain partners. This paper presents a concept of the socialization process among supply chain partners.
Piotr Hanus
Rozwiązania informatyczne i informacyjne dla usługodawców logistycznych – wyniki badań
IS/IT solutions for logistics service providers – research results
In Business Logistics Department at University of Economics in Katowice the explore research studies have been executed (period 2009–2011) to find out and identify paths of logistics service providers evolution and aspects re­lated to IS/IT developing for supporting of their activities and activities of their customers, as well. The main goal of this paper is showing the results of the studies connected with attributes of the present IS/IT solutions. Some examples show that there are information systems and solutions that are very close to system approach and analy­sis. There are also quite the opposite examples that show poor understanding and practical possibilities for support­ing of the logistics service providers and their customers.
Patrycja Hoffa, Karolina Grajek, Magdalena Karcz, Paweł Pawlewski
Logistyka portu lotniczego – wykorzystanie symulacji w konfiguracji nowego układu komunikacyjnego
Airport logistics – using simulation technology for new communication configuration
The paper presents results of the project concerning new communications configuration in airport Poznań-Ławica. Project was performed in connection with airport reconstruction according to Euro 2012 needs. The main goal of project was building simulation model of airport new parking system, defining parameters and investigating of model behavior under influences of environment. Problems of communication configuration, project data and simulation experiments conditions are described. The paper presents results of four simulation experiments depend on changes of number of vehicles and light switching times. At the final recommendations to improve functioning of communication configuration are included.
Aleksander Jurga, Małgorzata Sławińska
Wybrane aspekty projektowania systemów informacyjnych wspomagających procesy logistyczne
Chosen aspects of designing information systems supporting logistic processes
Logistic processes are realized in every company. The realization of determined processes is conditioned by an efficient information management. Design of SI must take under consideration quality aspects and criteria of ergo­nomics in reference to their further use; they must be always the superior stage of realization for these systems.
Gustaw Konopacki
Model wielostrefowego obszaru ochrony obiektu magazynowego
Model multi-zone protection area warehouse
The article examines the issue of protection of warehouse and resources stored in them from robbery or destruc­tion by an intruder. The process of overcoming the multi-zone warehouse protection by an intruder was described using Markov process and was determined through its probabilistic characteristics.
Remigiusz Kozłowski, Marek Matejun
Dynamika i potencjał otoczenia przedsiębiorstw w procesie rozwoju przedsiębiorczości technologicznej
The dynamics and potential of the business environment in the technology entrepreneurship development
The aim of this article is to identify the potential and evaluate the direction of influence the dynamic business environment on the technology entrepreneurship development. In order to achieve the aim set a description of the company MakoLab operating in the IT industry has been conducted.
Iwona Łapuńka
Modelowanie rozmyte wielokryterialnej oceny harmonogramu realizacji projektu
Fuzzy modeling of multi-criteria assessment of project execution schedule
This paper describes the using fuzzy logic to evaluate alternative project execution schedules. The multi-criteria evaluation based on the criteria proposed by experts or decision-makers in the planning phase, during which it is critical to document the tasks to be completed in a project schedule.
Marek Matulewski
Rolnictwo precyzyjne – agrologistyka w dobie społeczeństwa informacyjnego
Precision agriculture – agrologistics in the age of information society
This paper aims at presenting the consequences of implementing new technologies in agriculture. On the basis of pertinent literature the author has presented the economic and organizational effects which may be obtained as a result of implementing RFID and GPS in agriculture.
Edward Michlowicz
Metody i techniki Lean Management jako ważny element logistyki produkcji w małych firmach
Methods and techniques of Lean Management in small companies
An important task of production logistics is to ensure continuity and appropriate intensity of production in the field of material flow, resulting from technological processes. Currently, the integration of production planning with logistics become more common in many companies. The role and tasks of production logistics depends on many fac­tors, including the size of the company. Interesting approach is proposed as part of Lean Enterprises. It requires a determination of value stream, then the mapping and improvement. In the case of small enterprises to improve efficiency can be achieved after the implementation of selected elements of Lean Management. The paper presents the processes associated with the implementation of VSM method in a small manufacturing company.
Jan M. Myszewski
Norma ISO 9001 i zarządzanie wiedzą
The ISO 9001 Standard and knowledge management
The perception of knowledge management is dominated by the perspective of the organizations, which consume large amounts of knowledge. Conducted is an analysis of the quality management system described in the ISO 9001 Standard. We show that the standard specification includes the minimum set of elements of knowledge manage­ment system.
Agnieszka Stachowiak, Łukasz Hadaś, Piotr Cyplik
Metody i narzędzia sterowania produkcją
Production control tools and methods
The case study presented in the paper refers to production control and is developed for the machine industry company. The solution is dedicated to the specific conditions of the company analyzed, though it is based on best practices and solutions applied in the area.
Paweł Wojakowski
Przegląd publikacji na temat projektowania struktury produkcyjnej
A survey of the state-of-the-art of cell formation problem research
During the last three decade cell formation problem has been widely explored. The comprehensive review on this field was carried out by Selim, Askin & Vakharia, 1998. They provided exhaustive evaluation and directions for future research. In this review paper new approaches that refer to research directions are highlighted. State-of-the-art studies on cell formation problem are reviewed.
Kazimierz Worwa
Formalna metoda wyznaczania najlepszego producenta oprogramowania
A formal approach to selection the best software developer
A practical problem of choosing a software developer is considered. This problem is investigated from a user’s viewpoint, i.e. it is assumed that the software which is needed should be not only reliable but as cheap as possible too. The purpose of the paper is to propose some formal way of determining software developer by formulating and solving the bicriterial optimization problem will both minimize the value of the number of software tasks which have incorrect realization during some time period and minimize the value of the software development cost. Some numerical example is presented to illustrate the practical usefulness of the method which is proposed. The exem­plary bicriterial optimization problem is solved on the base of the general methodology of solving multicriteria opti­mization problems.

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