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Gospodarka Materiałowa i Logistyka nr 12/2010

ISSN: 1231-2037
Liczba stron: 32
Miejsce wydania: 2010 Warszawa
Oprawa: miękka
Cena artykułu
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Prenumerata roczna 2025 (4 kolejne numery)
480.00 zł
Najniższa cena z 30 dni: 384.00
480.00 zł
Najniższa cena z 30 dni: 384.00
Od numeru:

„Gospodarka Materiałowa i Logistyka” 12/2010
Spis treści 
Joanna Mildner-Woś, Piotr Staroń
Praktyczne zastosowanie systemu kodów kreskowych w przedsiębiorstwie o skomplikowanym łańcuchu dostaw
Implementation of a bar code system in enterprises with a complex supply chain
The implementation of an inventory registration and manufacturing process tracing system in a manufacturing & service site is presented in the article. The solution is unique but it is based on a well-known technology of data sourcing based on bar code systems.
The bar code system supports many processes e.g. identification of incoming materials, strategic components tracing through the whole manufacturing process, product serial number identification, locating components in storages,
tracking the progress of manufacturing process. 

Grażyna Wieteska
Potrzeba rozpoznawania zagrożeń w relacjach dostawca–odbiorca na rynku B2B
The need to identify threats in supplier–purchaser relationships on the B2B market

The increasing requirements of clients determine companies to improve their activities aimed at creating customer value. This article refers to the risk management tool and presents the results of the research concerning threats in supplier-purchaser relationships that are being identified by the companies in our country. The objective of this article is to provide the organizations with the information that helps to understand the importance of the subject and carry the first step of the risk management process out. 

Katarzyna Grzybowska
Zaufanie w obrębie łańcucha dostaw – wybrane układy
Trust in a supply chain – selected configurations of trust
Supply chains are of increasing importance along with the development of the world market. This is a sequence of various enterprises connected with one another by relationships and complex dependencies. Relations may com­prise two segments when they involve two units (enterprises) or more segments involving any number of units and number of relationships between them. This article discusses the issue of creating trust in the supply chain. 

Zbyszko Pawlak
Kongestia w korytarzach transportu pasażerskiego aglomeracji Poznania
Traffic congestion in the commuting corridors of the agglomeration of Poznan
The paper presents a multidisciplinary approach to investigating possibilities of improving passenger transport in urban areas through reduction in the levels of traffic congestion. The private car transport is currently a dominant form of transport for the commuters whose everyday pendular travels constitute a core of population flows between the suburban communes and Poznan, also contributing significantly to traffic congestion. The research proves that rail-based collective transport modes can reduce traffic congestion and hence improve urban transport system’s overall efficiency. 

Iwona Pisz
Zastosowanie rozmytego systemu wnioskującego do oceny i wyboru dostawców
Applied Fuzzy Inference System for suppliers evaluation and choosing
Introducing innovative products implicates the need to find proper materials, raw materials and components. Thus, to select the suitable suppliers has strategic importance for every company. Proper management of the innovation is the key to success of every company gathered in supply chain. This article focuses on the suppliers evaluation and choosing the suppliers process. A new method for supplier evaluation method and the implementation of the method is provided. A numerical example is presented to illustrate the application of the proposed method as Fuzzy Inference Systems (FISs). 


Alicja Kostecka
Kongres Menedżerów Zarządzania Łańcuchem Dostaw 2010
Congress  of Supply Chain Managers 2010 

Katarzyna Grzybowska
Konferencja naukowa „Oszczędność i efektywność” 2010
Scientific Conference ‘Economy and Efficiency’ 2010 

Spis treści rocznika 2010
Contents of 2010 


Andrzej Bujak, Zdzisław Śliwa
Zautomatyzowane autostrady podziemne
Underground Automated Highways Concept
The paper is presenting Underground Automated Highway concept which can help to overcome some difficulties in the nearest future. The origins and basic ideas of the new type roads concept are presented. Next, advantages and dis­advantages connected with the concept implementation are discussed. To support the ideas, some practical solutions in the field are also presented. The future of the concept is discussed based on current research and developments. 

Piotr Cyplik, Małgorzata Bajerska, Szymon Strojny
Wirusowa analiza systemu dystrybucji jako narzędzie identyfikacji i analizy problemów w systemie dystrybucji – studium przypadku
Distribution system virus analysis for problem identification and analysis: a case study
The heterogeneity and diversity of the problems occurring in distribution systems makes it more difficult to identify the key issues that determine the effectiveness of the entire business. The authors of this paper propose a tool – Distribution System Virus Analysis – for the identification of key problems in a distribution system of a cosmetics company in the context of its more general situation. 
Paulina Golińska
Proekologiczne zarządzanie łańcuchem dostaw – wyzwania dla informatycznych systemów zarządzania
Sustainable supply chain management – challenges for integration of distributed datasources
This paper provides a framework for sustainable supply chain management. A shift from traditional SC to an environment friendly requires integration of data sources distributed among its participants and the external data e.g. life cycle assessment databases. The main integration problems are discussed.

Anna Gryko-Nikitin
Budowa przewagi konkurencyjnej w sektorze TSL z wykorzystaniem strategii masowej indywidualizacji
Building of competitive advantage in the transport – spedition – logistics sector using mass customization
For a few years the transport – spedition – logistics (TSL) market has been expanding. Bigger competition and dominance of outsourcing policies forced TSL companies to join the struggle for the client. In this struggle the price became a key instrument. Competitive advantage can be gained only by using the correct strategy of ac­tion. In the opinion of the author, the building of competitive advantage can be helped by the strategy of mass customization

Marzena Kramarz
Ujęcie teoretyczne strategii konkurencyjnych w punkcie rozdziału łańcucha dostaw
Theoretical including competitive strategies in the decoupling point of the supply chain
The building of strong relations with suppliers, customers and business partners receives increasingly more significance in business transactions. With the increase of demand variability, uncertainty of prognoses, product individualization and the shortening of the product life cycle increases the need to develop cooperation with companies offering similar or complementary products and services.

Marek Matulewski
Konkurencyjność w sieciach dostaw – wybrane aspekty
Competitiveness in supply networks
The author presents selected aspects of competitiveness in supply chains. He defines basic concepts connected with competitiveness and a competitive advantage. He turns attention to the ubiquitous networking (networks in economy). The thesis is put forward that globalization, information as a resource and hypercompetitiveness affect com­petitiveness and the existing competitive advantage in supply chains. The truthfulness of the thesis may be proven by the analysis and synthesis of the theoretical material and case studies from economy. The author refers to spe­cific case studies of global and local actions.

Edward Michlowicz
Nowe wyzwania dla logistyki produkcji
New challenges in production logistics
The role and tasks of production logistics in an enterprise depends on many factors, as well as the appropri­ate definition of logistics. Development of the concept of supply chains has caused a broader view of logistics. The fundamental goal of production logistics can thus be formulated as the pursuance of greater delivery capabil­ity and reliability with the lowest possible logistic and production cost. Currently, the integration of production planning with logistics become more common in many companies. Production systems are special performance systems which transform input material into physical goods. As logistic networks supply the input and distribute the output of production systems, production and logistics are closely interrelated. Many designers still do not take into account the supply chain and does not use the system approach. Interesting approach is proposed as part of lean enterprises. It requires a determination of value stream, then the mapping and improvement.

Radosław Pytlak, Wojciech Stecz
Optymalizacja tras dla potrzeb działalności operatorów logistycznych
Optimizing router for logistics operators
The paper deals with logistic problems arising during planning and execution of the logistics operations. We concentrate on two types of problems: the transportation problems covering the problems of supplying the deliveries to the proper client on time and the simple model of routes planning that can be easily solved when we assume some simplifications and establish some fixed transportation hubs used as endpoints of standard routes.

Radoslaw Pytlak, Tomasz Zawadzki
Zastosowanie modelowania dynamicznego do badania łańcuchów dostaw
System dynamics in understanding supply chains behaviour
Well defined and modeled supply chain could be crucial for building high-performance business organization. Sup­ply chain management integrates supply and demand management within and across companies. This paper re­veals how supply chains could be simulated with Forrester’s stocks and flows idea. 

Dariusz Pyza
Wspomaganie komputerowe procesów dystrybucji w łańcuchu dostaw
Computer-assisted supply chain distribution processes
This paper discusses distribution and its importance for an effective flow of cargo. The distribution process is identified in the paper as comprising of single-phase and multiple-phase distribution systems. The paper further identifies distribution channels by the type of entities involved, considering different criteria for their classification. The paper discusses the supply chain concept from the perspective of the entities involved, the subject of supply chain activities, the scope of such activities and areas where stakeholders in the process interact. Transport is discussed in greater depth in this context, as it represents an activity which is directly responsible for the movement of goods between fixed points in the supply chain, such as: production facilities, warehouses and retail outlets. Therefore, logistics as a science is interested in cargo transport, which, in the logistics chain, represents a link with the other constituents of the system.

Ludmiła Zawadzka, Krzysztof  E. Oliński
Algorytmy optymalizacji decyzji logistycznych w zagadnieniach harmonogramowania zadań w inteligentnych systemach produkcyjnych
Discrete optimization algorithms in IMS task scheduling problems

This paper presents a survey of selected methods dedicated for solving scheduling problems in a scope of IMS. Our paper gives a reader an insight into current trends of research works in the field of the scheduling algorithms in manufacturing management.

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