Gospodarka Materiałowa i Logistyka nr 4/2013
Rok wydania: 2013
Miejsce wydania: Warszawa
Oprawa: miękka
Gospodarka Materiałowa i Logistyka 4/2013
Spis treści
Agnieszka Skowrońska
Makrologistyka w polityce Unii Europejskiej
Macrologistics the policy of the European Union
Owing to the ever-growing role of logistics in the accomplishment of economic, social, and environmental objectives, the author has attempted to define the logistics sector and point to the necessity to separate it as a distinct sector of national economy and a subject of economic statistics. In the empirical part of the article, the author has focused on an approach toward macrologistics of public administration within the European Union and the place of macrologistics in EU policy.
Rafał Tarasiewicz
Postrzeganie zarządzania łańcuchami dostaw wśród menedżerów w Polsce – wyniki badań
Perceiving of supply chain management by managers in Poland – empirical research
Supply chain management is of fundamental importance nowadays, contributes to gaining a competitive advantage and creating the value of companies participating in such chains. The worldwide literature emphasizes the necessity of the interdisciplinary perceiving of this term. The main aim of this article is to analyze the way of understanding the term “supply chain management” by the managers in Poland. The author’s analysis is based on the empirical research conducted in 2011on the sample of 79 senior level managers responsible for logistics/supply chain management and representing the largest production and trade companies in Poland.
Maciej Szymczak
Technologie mobilne dla łańcucha dostaw
Mobile Technologies for Supply Chains
ICT has always supported supply chains. Its development enabled implementation of new models of information management, which in turn led to the creation of new business models and effective implementation of innovative strategies. Today, we can observe a very rapid pace of development in the field of mobile technology. There are different wireless communication technologies with next generations of mobile telephony in the lead. These technologies along with appropriate applications support management, especially in those areas where field service processes are involved. This paper analyzes factors that contribute to the implementation of mobile technology in supply chains, the effects of this implementation, as well as the utilization of mobile technology in supply chains.
Edukacja ekonomiczna
Justyna Jakubczyk, Iwona Pisz
Przykład analizy zagrożeń funkcjonowania łańcucha dostaw
An example of analysis of supply chain risk
Risk assessment is still a problem area within the supply chain. Approaches have been suggested for dealing with the problem, but these for most part have failed to meets the needs of logistics. Part of the problem is that communication, incomplete, and inconsistent. The paper presents an approach of risk assessment in the supply chain. An example case study examining a real supply chain is included to illustrate the analysis of supply chain risk. The authors suggest a method to risk analysis via a multi-criteria approach.
Kurier Inpost | 14 zł |
Kurier FedEX | 14 zł |
Inpost Paczkomaty | 14 zł |
Odbiór osobisty | 0 zł |
Darmowa dostawa | od 250 zł |
Darmowa dostawa w Klubie Książki | od 200 zł |