Gospodarka Materiałowa i Logistyka nr 6/2013
Rok wydania: 2013
Miejsce wydania: Warszawa
Oprawa: miękka
Gospodarka Materiałowa i Logistyka 6/2013
Spis treści
Justyna Majchrzak-Lepczyk
Wybrane aspekty aktywności innowacyjnej przedsiębiorstw
Selected aspects of innovation activities of enterprises
The article raised the problem of creating innovation and stimulating the creativity of enterprises as an important area of research. An attempt was made to define innovation and its types. It also indicated that the modern innovations are an important factor of development companies, determining its competitive advantage. Therefore, the aim is to understand the innovation through the prism of scale of the use of innovative solutions, including the conditions that contribute to their implementation.
Beata Ślusarczyk, Sebastian Kot
Analiza kosztów logistyki w MSP
Logistics costs analysis in sme
Logistics costs is a category extremely significant costs in terms of profitability of economic activities, as indicated by their relatively high participation in relation to the income. Identification and analysis of logistics costs in enterprises causes significant problems for small and medium-sized enterprises especially, due to adopted method of economic actions recording. In this paper the authors present the implemented methodology and the results of research on the size and structure of logistics costs in small and medium enterprises in relation to the firm generated revenue. Results of analyzes have been compared to results of research in other countries. Then authors point on the methods of logistics costs accounting in the surveyed companies.
Logistics costs not only significantly reduce profits, but because narrow exploration of the problem, it is also an important reservoir of enterprise competitiveness improvement. However, before managers take actions to improve the size and structure of logistics costs, in many cases they should deal with inappropriate, inaccurate, or even the lack of logistics costs accounting. Cognitive and analytical action in the area of logistics costs seems to be a first fundamental step in taking corrective actions in this area.
Adam Kupczyk, Magdalena Szwarc, Małgorzata Powałka, Anna Maria Klepacka, Tomasz Żelaziński
Stan obecny i charakterystyka sektora biogazu rolniczego w Polsce na tle Unii Europejskiej
Current situation and characteristics of the agricultural biogas sector in Poland as compared to the European Union member countries
The article presents key issues pertaining to the current situation in the national agricultural biogas sector as compared to the European Union. Poland's electric energy generating sector faces the difficult challenge of implementing the EU guidelines regarding the use of energy from renewable resources. Despite the advanced preparation of regulations in that area, the implementation of the Renewable Energy Sources Act has been delayed. The absence of clear legal and financial regulations regarding the support of investors leads to a slow development of the national biogas sector and the loss of its attractiveness. The agricultural biogas sector has a chance of development given the accessible feedstock and is supported by the doubling of agricultural biogas production between 2011-2012.
Z praktyki polskich przedsiębiorstw
Grzegorz Chodak
Metody dostarczania towarów przez polskie sklepy internetowe – wyniki badań
Methods of goods delivery by Polish internet shops – results of surveys
In this article the results of surveys realized in 607 Polish e-shops were presented. First part of this word characterizes online stores in the context of number of purchases. The main part of article shows the analysis concerning methods of delivering purchases in Polish online stores. The comparison with previous research conducted in 2010, concerning the market share of courier companies was presented. The results of evaluation of courier companies service quality and determinants of the choice of courier company were shown in the last part of this article.
Kurier Inpost | 14 zł |
Kurier FedEX | 14 zł |
Inpost Paczkomaty | 14 zł |
Odbiór osobisty | 0 zł |
Darmowa dostawa | od 250 zł |
Darmowa dostawa w Klubie Książki | od 200 zł |