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DOI: 10.33226/0032-6186.2021.11.4
JEL: K39

Legal aspects of a seniority pension. Part I — entitlement

The subject of the considerations presented in this article will be the so far formulated proposals for seniority pensions, which will be assessed in terms of consistency with the reformed pension system and the values upon which it was founded. Using dogmatic and economic methods, the analysis will cover individual proposals from submitted draft bills as well as alternative solutions. The first of two articles describes the issues involved in obtaining a new entitlement. The most appropriate construction of the seniority pension was identified, and as demonstrated, creating the seniority condition based on the existing catalogues of contributory and non-contributory periods will be extremely difficult. The second section will focus on the economic and legal aspects of seniority pensions, including the calculation formula, as well as an alternative to the seniority pension structure. This study is the first to provide a broad overview of the legal issues of early retirement in the context of the Polish defined contribution system. The presented reasoning aims to verify and organise the arguments concerning seniority pensions, with the author's intention of contributing to the improvement of public discourse on this subject as well as the betterment of future draft bills.

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Keywords: pension; seniority pension; early retirement; pension privileges



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