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Selected issues within the scope of the subjective right to compensation upon the basis of the Act on Bridging Pensions

Introducing, as of 1.01.2009, the institution of compensation to the, hitherto developed, system of social insurance, the legislator resolved the issue of securing the claims of all the insured who were able to prove that they had been working for no fewer than 15 years under special conditions, or performing work having a special nature. Nevertheless, the two paths of interpreting the legal regulations relevant to the right to compensation mean that the two, thus developed, subjectives copes of the entitled do not reflect the system and objective-related assumptions of this institution in their entirety. Presenting these conceptions of interpreting legal regulations within the scope of the right to compensation, and also an attempt to determine their mutual relations, are of significance for the implementing the legal provisions relevant to the right to compensation in the manner which is intended by the legislator.

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Keywords: compensation; bridging pension; special conditions; earlier retirement


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