Development of e-commerce in Poland and its impact on logistics (part 1)
Trade in Poland has been changing dynamically for many years. This state of affairs was largely influenced by the increasing access to the Internet, and hence the emergence of new opportunities for concluding commercial transactions without direct contact between the seller and the customer. Facilitations related to selling and buying are not the only advantages of the increasingly important e-commerce. Along with the increasing number of transactions, the dynamic development is noted in logistics, without which no type of trade could exist. It is about both the transport of goods and the flow of information that, thanks to the use of the Internet, quickly reach the customer from the seller. The aim of the article is to present the development of e-commerce in 2010–2019 resulting from the possibilities of using the Internet. The main research problem of the article is an attempt to answer the question: "Does the development of e-commerce affect modern logistics?".
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