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DOI: 10.33226/1231-2037.2023.2.3
JEL: M21, Q55
Katarzyna Nowicka ORCID: 0000-0001-7830-7457 , e-mail: knowicka|| |knowicka|

Digital supply chains and the development of the circular economy (part 2)

Nowadays one of the biggest challenge for modern business entities is the introduction of solutions and assessments of environmental optimization in the supply chain (reducing the resource-intensiveness of the economy) and the search for waste-free solutions (facing the issues of losing the status of waste, by-products or accompanying products). These challenges are built in relation to the goals and scope of the Circular Economy (CE), which is conducive to the implementation of solutions aimed at sustainable development. The aim of this paper is to identify the possibilities of achieving environmental optimization due to the use of digital technologies and the concept of digital supply chains in the conditions shaped by the CE. The adopted research question is: "To what extent can digital supply chains affect the development of CE?"

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Keywords: digital supply chain; digital circular supply chain; circular economy



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