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Expectations of Generation Z towards the TSL industry on the electronic freight exchange example

Due to the different values shared by individual generations and different work ethos, the labor market faces a huge challenge in adapting to the expectations of four generations: BB, X, Y and Z. The most digitized generation is Generation Z. Nowadays, there is more and more talk about the virtualization of logistics networks as part of the so-called 3rd IT platform SMAC (Social, Mobile, Analytics, Cloud). The SMAC platform is adopted in the TSL industry in the form of electronic freight exchange (EFE). The dynamic change on the labor market, including TSL industry, caused by the COVID-19 pandemics, determines the spread of remote work, which is part of the so-called virtualization of work. It is important from the perspective of the competences held by employees representing particular generations with a focus on Generation Z, who treat virtual work and virtual life as a natural daily existence. The main aim of the article is to assess the Generation Z's ability to work with the use of EFE as an attractive ICT tool in the TSL industry. The article presents the thesis that EFE is an innovative work tool in the TSL industry for the Generation Z representatives, which can be used to minimize and/or eliminate intergenerational conflicts. The article reviews the professional literature and uses the method of a simplified version of the expert panel (expert survey) in the form of a standardized interview.

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Keywords: generation Z; TSL; electronic freight exchange; labor market




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