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DOI: 10.33226/1231-2037.2020.5.6
JEL: A13, B55, D91, L3, Z13, Q18

Foodsharing — barriers and perspectives of creating social networks in Polish cities

Sharing economy and common consumption are issues that are increasingly addressed in the contemporary scientific discourse. What is extremely important is that social networks are an increasingly common inspiration for changes in the environment. Also relatively popular is the phenomenon of foodsharing — sharing food. The problem raised in this article concerns the identification of development barriers and the perspectives of foodsharing social networks in the space of Polish cities. The aim of the article is to examine awareness and understanding of the concept of foodsharing, its characterization, analysis of the current situation on the Polish market, also in terms of forms of activity based on peer-to-peer solutions. The aim of the work the author implements based on direct observation, analysis of the text of current documents, own surveys.

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Keywords: sharing economy; foodsharing; social networks; city space



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