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DOI: 10.33226/1231-2037.2022.2.1
JEL: H12, M10, O32
Jacek Szołtysek ORCID: 0000-0003-3266-0241 , e-mail: szoltysek|| |szoltysek|

Identification of logistics challenges in the contemporary world

Emerging challenges for any area of human activity trigger the need to meet them by adapting or implementing appropriate changes. Logistics today is subjected to such challenges, which are often associated with the emergence of a coronavirus. Is this the only reason for changes in logistics? The article explores issues related to identifying factors that can constitute significant challenges for logistics in the modern world. Since such discussions are held in many experts of theoreticians and logistics practitioners, the author decided to pursue the question of where to look for sources of changes in logistics, and in which areas those changes will manifest in the real logistics environment. This is the main objective of this article.

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Keywords: logistics; changes; sources of change; the future of logistics



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