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DOI: 10.33226/1231-2037.2020.3.4
JEL: L9, O18, R53

Logistics center and its relations with the city's development

The dynamic development of the logistic market in Poland has influenced the development of
numerous logistic centers that perform complex functions and tasks. Logistic centers have become a
relatively new but important element of the national economic industrial landscape. The location and
development of these facilities are related to specific conditions. The aim of the paper is to present
the essence of logistic centers as special economic facilities and their functions and tasks, as well as
locations related conditions and factors favouring their set up. Based on these, a comparative
analysis has been carried out focusing on three selected logistic centers located in the Poznań
agglomeration but of varied characteristics in order to verify previous theoretical considerations. The
results and conclusions from the analysis are of an utilitarian nature. They also point to the important
role played by logistic centers, in strengthening the market position of companies.

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Keywords: logistic center; development conditions; location factors; market


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