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5S method in the optimization of warehouse management of a manufacturing company

The objective of this article is to determine the level of
implementation and use of the 5S concept as one of the
methods of warehouse management optimization in BMI
Icopal production company. The main emphasis was placed
on the identification of processes in the implementation and
use of the 5S method by the employees of the storage
department. This is mainly due to a very dynamic
environment and increasing competitiveness, which forces
companies to systematically search for optimization at all
levels of functioning. Such solutions are particularly
desirable in the area of warehousing. Therefore, modern
companies more and more often decide to implement
modern methods, which not only cause improvements in the
functioning of the department, but above all build a
competitive advantage on the market through cost

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Keywords: relationships; 5S; management; storage; competitive advantage; supply chain


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Material Economy and Logistics 2/2020
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