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DOI: 10.33226/1231-2037.2022.9.3
JEL: L91, M53
Andrzej Kulis ORCID: 0000-0002-6561-6389 , e-mail: a.kulis|| |a.kulis|

The impact of pandemic on the training of future professional drivers organized in driving learning centers

The main goal of the article The impact of the pandemic on the training of future professional drivers organized in driving schools was to show how the pandemic affected the number of people wishing to do this type of course during it. Moreover, the specific objective was to demonstrate the impact of a given situation on the functioning and organization of driving schools that organized such courses. Based on the survey conducted among centers in the Mazowieckie Voivodeship, it was shown that during the pandemic the number of candidates for professional drivers increased. This result was directly related to the demand (demand) in the labor market, mainly for drivers transporting goods. This, in turn, resulted from the growing demand for on-line purchases. On this basis, the assumed thesis was verified negatively.

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Keywords: pandemic; pre-qualification; company management; driving school; survey method




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