Mediacja w sprawach administracyjnych w Polsce
The adoption of new legal solutions in 2017 resulted in the appearance of the institution of mediation in Polish administrative proceedings, which was unheard of until then as a method in which public administration operates. The lawmakers decided to introduce mediation as a method of establishing facts and conducting interpretations of the law in matters ending in an administrative decision being issued. This article is an attempt to analyse the consistency of the solutions adopted with the system of settling administrative cases that had been in force to date. The most important finding made in the analysis is that of a fundamental conflict of the objectives of mediation with the essence of Polish administrative procedures. This is related to the lack of dispute at this stage of the proceedings, which rules out the ability to use mediation as a form of non-dispute settlement of a matter. The remaining systemic conflicts found in the analysis confirm the argument about the inability to use mediation in the practice of settling administrative matters.
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