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Gospodarka materiałowa i logistyka Nr 04/2006

ISBN: 1231-2037
Pages: 32
Publication date: 2006
Place publication: Warszawa
Binding: paperback
Format: A4
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Projects have entered the life of many organizations. They have long been the domain of the IT and construction industries, today the design approach also dominates in consulting, among all types of subcontractors, as well as in public administration units, which more and more often implement projects financed from EU funds. Companies taking their first steps in project management do not know where to start, what to invest in, which techniques to use. Ultimately, some of the purchased solutions are not used in practice or are not compatible with other tools. There is a risk of discouraging employees from the whole idea of ​​project management, and projects still exceed the original budgets, are not implemented on time or do not meet certain quality requirements. This disturbing situation gives rise to the need to create a comprehensive, structured procedure for implementing new project management standards in organizations. Such a system is designed to collect information about available practices and enable coordinated development in this field. Several companies have undertaken to create such a system. The solutions they propose, known as design maturity models, are presented in this article.

Keywords: project management; project maturity

The aim of the article is to present the concept and role of company reverse logistics - a concept whose importance is systematically growing. Due to economic reasons, closed logistic chains affect the efficiency of logistic systems of enterprises, therefore there is a need to learn both theoretical models and find practical solutions. The article presents the concept and the essence of reverse logistics, paying attention to a closed logistic chain. The theoretical considerations have been supported by the example of systemic organizational solutions for end-of-life vehicles under recycling. The basis for the description of empirical solutions was the Dutch experience due to the advanced level of development of reverse logistics in the field of end-of-life vehicles (ELV) disposal and recycling.

Keywords: logistics; reverse logistics; recycling

In the era of increasing customer requirements, significant problems are shortening the order fulfillment cycle and lowering prices. For this purpose, the analysis of the warehousing process is carried out, and rational warehouse management facilitates order picking and also reduces costs. In the article, the author presents a warehouse management system based on the example of the Polish bus manufacturer, Zakłady Samochodowe Jelcz SA. The article is based on information collected during numerous meetings and interviews with the employees of ZS Jelcz.

Keywords: storage management; Automobile Factory Jelcz S.A

The use of the outward processing procedure, including the use of the standard exchange and prior importation system, is subject to authorization by the customs authority, which sets out the conditions for the use of the procedure. The article describes, among others, subjective, related to customs control and economic conditions for granting the authorization, as well as the content of the application for granting an authorization to use the outward processing procedure.

Keywords: logistics; outward processing

The previous issues of "Material Management and Logistics" the principles of establishing a European company (SE), especially a European joint-stock company, and a European economic interest grouping (EEIG) were presented. The third "European entity" is the European cooperative. In Council Regulation (EC) No 1435/2003 of July 22, 2003 (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation), announced in the Journal Of UE L 207 of August 18, 2003, the statute of a European cooperative society (SCE) was concluded. The regulation emphasizes that the Community should also provide cooperatives, which are a form of organization generally recognized in all Member States, with the appropriate legal instruments to support the development of their cross-border activities.

Keywords: logistics; European cooperative

In the article, the author looks for the reasons for the insignificant contribution of Polish scientists to the theory of logistics or transport economics, seeing them in the strong dispersion of scientific research and the lack of cooperation between Polish academic centers. The author points out the importance of self-organization, involvement in scientific work and undertaking joint initiatives by students and young scientists, because these young staff will soon decide about the future of Polish logistics.

Keywords: logistics; cooperation; research
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